Supporting the Essex Wildlife Trust, Oriental Bird Club & International Owl Society

Kenneth Smith

Although mainly based at Dedham, in Essex, Kenneth Smith was born in the North of England and received his art training at the King Edward VII School of Art, Kings College, Durham University. He was awarded the Hatton Prize for Drawing at the age of eighteen and gained the University Diploma in Fine Art with distinction.

His interest in animal and bird painting extended over a period of thirty years and he was exhibited on a number of occasions within the United Kingdom. Overseas exhibitions have also been held at Arezzo in Italy, where he was awarded a silver cup at the 6th Premio Internationale di Pittura e Graffica, and also in the USA at Detroit. His last overseas exhibition was in Spain at Marbella where he lived for a year.

His paintings may be found in private collections located around the world including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Italy, Spain, Germany, Norway, and Hong Kong as well as the United Kingdom. Ken Smith sadly passed away in December 2018.

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